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We kindly invite you to the inaugural meeting of the 

Our Resilient Future
Working Group

at the FAOG Conference


Tuesday, September 12
7:00-8:00 am

Sign up below for more information.

In September, 2020, the skies turned orange as smoke and extreme heat scourged the Bay Area. Authorities issued health alerts, warning people to stay inside and keep their windows shut – for weeks. Only half of residents have air conditioning, only a mere fraction have air purifiers. The event triggered a series of discussions about how recoverable grants could be used to fund the needs of frontline communities impacted by a changing climate and that community foundations are uniquely positioned to lead this effort.

Within months, the concept received funding and the recoverable grant was executed. With projects now complete, we’ve proven this works. What’s the need in your community? We invite your wisdom, insights, and experiences as we explore how to scale this recoverable grants model effectively. Together, let's shape a resilient future for every community.

Brought to you by thirdACT PBC, Mission Investors Exchange, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Thanks! Check your inbox for next steps.

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